24 Mar 2023

Criminal Defense
Physical violence and threats of physical violence might be what many people associate with harassment, but there’s more to it than these actions. While many people might think they understand what it means to harass another person, they likely aren’t fully aware of what the law considers to be harassment. Various actions and behaviors can result in harassment charges in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania takes harassment charges seriously. If you’ve been charged with harassing someone, you need a strong criminal defense attorney to help. Learn more about harassment charges in Pennsylvania.

Definition of Harassment in Pennsylvania

The following actions and behaviors are considered harassment in Pennsylvania when the person acts with intent to harass, annoy, or alarm someone else:
  • Striking, shoving, kicking, or committing another physical act, or attempting or threatening to
  • Following someone in or about a public place or places
  • Engaging in a course of conduct or repeatedly committing acts that serve no legitimate purpose
  • Communicating to or about someone lewd, lascivious, threatening, or obscene words, language, drawings, or caricatures
  • Communicating repeatedly in an anonymous manner;
  • Communicating repeatedly at extremely inconvenient hours; or
  • Communicating repeatedly in another manner
Of course, the prevalence of technology and social media provides more outlets for harassment to occur. Under Pennsylvania state law, many forms of communication are included in this, such as oral, nonverbal, written, or electronic communications. Additionally, PA’s harassment law covers cyber harassment of a child. Cyber harassment of a child occurs when someone acts with intent to harass, annoy, or alarm a child and does one of the following actions electronically directly to the child or by publication through social media:
  • Makes a seriously disparaging statement or opinion about the child's physical characteristics, sexuality, sexual activity, or mental or physical health or condition
  • Threatens to inflict harm

Penalties of Harassment in PA

Pennsylvania has various penalties for those convicted of harassment. In many cases, harassment results in a summary offense or a third-degree misdemeanor. However, depending on the situation, you could face more severe charges for harassing someone. Those who have violated a protection order involving the same victim, family, or household member will be convicted of a second-degree misdemeanor. Harassment charges can be complicated, and a conviction can mean hefty fines, prison time, and giving up your freedom. During this time, you must have someone who can defend you against the charges you're facing. The harassment attorneys of Lermitte & Lubin can help you understand everything you need to know about harassment charges.

Contact an NEPA Criminal Defense Attorney if You’re Facing Harassment Charges

Being charged with harassment can have you worried about your future. If you’ve been charged with harassing someone, you need a criminal defense attorney who knows how to handle these types of cases. When your freedom is on the line, you don’t want to take any chances. Harassment charges in Pennsylvania are nothing to take lightly. Lermitte & Lubin’s criminal defense attorneys can help you fight to receive the best possible outcome. When you need an NEPA criminal defense attorney, there’s no time to waste. Contact the criminal defense attorneys of Lermitte & Lubin today to find out how we can help.

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