Traffic Violations attorney

Traffic violations may not end with you going to jail or prison, but that doesn’t mean they’re anything to take lightly. Traffic violations pile up, and they carry long-term consequences that can severely affect your life. This can lead to things like losing your license and facing hefty fines. You need to be careful and try to fight traffic violations when you can. With the help of our traffic violation attorneys, you can protect your future and, in many cases, your wallet.

Types of Traffic Violations

There are several different types of traffic violations split into two categories: moving violations and non-moving violations. Moving violations have to do with the way you’re driving, and non-moving violations have to do with your vehicle or person.

Moving Violations

These violations can only happen while you are driving. They are something that you do wrong with your driving technique that puts other people at risk of an accident or did cause an accident. These include:

Moving Violations attorney
  • Illegal U-turns, or completely turning around in an unauthorized location. Many spots will have signs that tell you where you can’t make a legal U-turn. If there is no sign, you should be able to make one, and if you are charged, we immediately have an argument for your defense.
  • Failure to comply with a crossing gate. Crossing gates are physical barriers that keep people from driving into private areas. This can become a trespassing charge in some circumstances.
  • Failure to yield at an intersection. Even when approaching an intersection from a side without a stop sign, you have to yield.
  • Driving through a stop sign. You can receive a ticket for rolling stops, where you slow down but never quite come to a full stop at a stop sign.
  • Failure to signal a lane change or turn. This also includes leaving your turning signal on or having it set in the wrong direction. Saying you forgot to use your turning signals is not a strong legal defense.
  • Speeding, or going faster than the speed limit by over 5 mph. The flow of traffic can change the margin of error, but the margin of error is also left to the decision of the officer who tracks your speed.
  • Failure to obey someone directing traffic. This includes construction workers, police officers, and crossing guards. They have the ultimate authority to direct traffic, even over traffic lights. Civilians can in emergency situations, but emergencies only.
  • Reckless driving, or driving carelessly or heedlessly with wanton disregard for other drivers on the road.
  • Driving through a crosswalk with pedestrians walking through it. In most places and times, pedestrians have the right of way, and vehicles have to wait.

Some of these can become criminal violations and overlap with non-moving violations. When they become criminal violations, the case moves from traffic court to criminal court. Our traffic violation attorneys have experience with both.

Non-Moving Violations

These violations rarely have anything to do with your driving, but with how you parked your vehicle or registered it. These violations include:

  • Outdated vehicle inspections. You’re required by law to have your vehicle inspected every year in the state of Pennsylvania.
  • Driving with an expired driver’s license. Usually, you’re pulled over for something else, and this becomes an additional violation you receive.
  • Parking in spots designed for those with disabilities without authorization. You need to have a disability tag for your vehicle window to park within the blue lines.
  • Parking in a way that obstructs access to someone’s personal property or public property. You can’t obstruct roads, entrances, exits, driveways, pathways, fire hydrants, water fountains, or access to another person’s car.
Non Moving Violations attorney

Consequences of Traffic Violations

Most traffic violations are only punished with fines, but the fines can grow exponentially with repeat offenses, more than the cost of an attorney. More importantly, the cost is at the discretion of the judge, who can raise the cost the highest they can go for the crime if they believe they should.

Third, second, and first-degree misdemeanors can be up to $2,500, $5,000, and $10,000 respectively. Third, second, and first-degree felonies can be up to $15,000, $25,000, and $50,000.

Misdemeanor and felony moving violations can result in you receiving points on your license. If you gain enough points, your license will be suspended, and points last for up to 12 months in Pennsylvania. Losing your ability to drive can severely hamper your ability to provide for yourself and your loved ones. If you fear losing your license, you need to contact our traffic violation attorneys.

auto accidents attorney

Are DUIs Traffic Violations?

Driving under the influence of illegal or mind-altering substances is not considered a traffic violation in Pennsylvania. This is a serious criminal defense, and the use of a car does not keep DUI cases from going to criminal court instead of traffic court. The same can be said for manslaughter and destruction of public property with the use of a car. The criminal charge supersedes the fact that someone used a vehicle. If you are charged with a DUI, you can contact our criminal defense attorneys for support.

sobriety tests

Is Causing a Car Accident a Crime?

As stated, manslaughter through the use of a car is a crime. If you cause an accident that kills someone, you will not be charged with a traffic violation, but will face criminal charges. The same thing can happen if you severely injure someone in a car accident, but don’t cause their death.

It’s also possible for you to incur criminal charges and traffic violations at the same time. Our attorneys can defend you from both.

Protect Your Future with Help from Our Traffic Violation Attorneys

Lermitte and Lubin, LLC is dedicated to protecting your freedom and legal rights. We all make mistakes, especially while driving, but that shouldn’t ruin your life. If traffic court is trying to charge you with an expensive fine or take away your license, you need to contact our attorneys before it’s too late. The more time we have to prepare, the better we can defend you and your rights. Contact us today.

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